Take Back Your Downtime eCourse

Take Back Your Downtime eCourse

Hi. Are you an introvert who has too much to do and not enough downtime? I know how it feels. Your to-do list is a never ending source of stress. You work hard but at the end of the day it feels like you’ve accomplished nothing. Your evenings are filled with task...

2016 – A Quick Prediction About The Introvert Community

This is my second year of making predictions about the introvert community. Judging from my predictions last year I shouldn’t quit my day job and become a psychic, so I’ll keep this post short and vague… I believe 2016 will continue the 2-year trend of...
2015 – prediction about the introvert community

2015 – prediction about the introvert community

What will happen in 2015? No one know for certain, of course (except maybe that the universe will continue to expand). But I won’t let that stop me from making some guesses about what the next year (and beyond) will look like for the introvert community as a whole....

A brief 2014 introvert year in review

On the face of it, 2014 wasn’t a “huge” year for introverts. It wasn’t nearly as groundbreaking as 2012, when Susan Cain published her book Quiet and gave her now-famous TED talk. Or as viral as 2003, when Jonathan Rauch posted his essay “Caring for Your...
500 Petition Signatures!

500 Petition Signatures!

Update 2/4: We have over 1000 signatures now! One week ago Jenn, from Introvert Dear, and I started collecting signatures to tell four dictionaries — Google, Dictionary.com, Oxford Dictionary, and Cambridge Online Dictionary — that their definition of “introvert” is...