Why it’s important to start preparing for the holidays now!

Have you ever noticed that during the holiday season it’s as if the previous 10 months’ worth of unresolved issues seem to resurface, all demanding attention? Like earthworms after rain, these unresolved issues seem to pop up from nowhere. Going about business as usual doesn’t really seem to help; you try to step over one issue, only for another issue to appear in front of you.

Maybe a family member once again tells you that introversion isn’t a thing, and that you just need to get over your shyness. And your boss, who doesn’t understand the concept of life-work balance, wants you to choose an unimportant meeting over a kid’s Christmas play. And because you tried to please your friends you agreed to go to two holiday parties in one evening.

I encourage you to start building your foundation for less stress now, not go into crisis mode when the stressful thing is happening.

To help you, I’ve created a holiday survival for introverts resource page, you can read it at:

For introverts who value outside, objective help, I offer individual coaching around holiday survival for introverts, and group coaching.