16 things to do when you get stir-crazy

  I recently came across this tweet: “I’m an introvert who’s stir-crazy. Do you understand how frustrating that is?” I think we’ve all been there. We’re sitting at home, reading a book, and an uneasy feeling slowly creeps up on us. Restless....
Yes you CAN love social media and still be an introvert

Yes you CAN love social media and still be an introvert

It’s not that uncommon for me to see a tweet which reads “(insert person’s name) can’t be an introvert! They tweet every 5 seconds.” The problem with this statement is that it’s spreading an old and inaccurate stereotype which equates introversion with...
Nicola Joyce Interview

Nicola Joyce Interview

Welcome to the third installment of our Introvert Interviews series where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion.  Nicola Joyce is a fitness industry copywriter who has has swum the English Channel and competed as...
An Introvert’s World, 2024

An Introvert’s World, 2024

  As my newsletter subscribers know, I love science fiction. I also love predicting the future. I’m certain that somewhere in another dimension there’s a Thea who works as a futurist, and I’ll be channeling that (optimistic) Thea in this blog post. 10 years from...