by Thea | Aug 6, 2014 | Blog, Interview
Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. Sibyl Dana Reynolds is the author of two books, was elected as the first woman Bishop of the Roman Catholic Church in North...
by Thea | Aug 4, 2014 | Blog
I posted the following on Facebook the other day: You don’t need to use an excuse when declining an invitation. It’s ok to just say “No thank you,” or “No thank you, but thanks for inviting me.” If the person asks...
by Thea | Jul 31, 2014 | Blog
Travel can be a time to relax or a whirlwind of stress. And who wants a stressful vacation?! The next time you plan your vacation consider these tips by 14 of your fellow introverts. “If you would rather people-watch than chat with the locals, that is perfectly...
by Thea | Jul 28, 2014 | Book Club, Books
August’s introvert book will be Insight: Reflections on the Gifts of Being an Introvert by Beth Buelow (Tweet this) Description: “Have you ever been called shy or awkward? How about anti-social? People are quick to apply these labels to the quieter among...
by Thea | Jul 24, 2014 | Blog, Interview
Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. Donna Druchunas is an author, knitting pattern designer, and popular knitting instructor. In this interview we talk about...