by Thea | Oct 26, 2014 | Blog
Guilt, the less intense but still powerful cousin of shame, has a certain knack of creeping up on us introverts. It can pop up at any time, if we let it. Don’t want to take that call right now? *guilt* Don’t want to go to that cocktail party? *guilt* And then of...
by Thea | Oct 17, 2014 | Blog, Interview
Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series, where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. Emilee Ayers is a portrait photographer. She also blogs about dancing, and has blended those two interests in this series of...
by Thea | Oct 9, 2014 | Blog
Joanna L K Moore runs Twisted Sleeve, where she helps shy girls get the confidence they need to do whatever they dream of doing. How many times have you witnessed or heard about a situation in which a small child was told off or pitied for being “shy” or “quiet”? We...
by Thea | Oct 6, 2014 | Blog
I’m sure you’ve heard of the Golden Rule – treat others how you want to be treated. It’s a good rule. If you wouldn’t want to be punched in the face, then don’t punch someone else in the face. If you wouldn’t want to be insulted, then don’t insult someone...
by Thea | Oct 1, 2014 | Blog, Interview
Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series, where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. I first started following Tara Swiger on Twitter when she was focusing on selling her hand-made yarn. Since then she’s...