by Thea | Dec 15, 2015 | Blog
It started with an intention. My partner was going to be out of town for two weeks, and I saw this as an opportunity to do a few more things out of the house that I normally didn’t have the social energy to do. Somehow I turned my do-a-few-extra-activities into...
by Thea | Dec 2, 2015 | Blog
Part of my holiday survival for introverts series & resources. It’s December! Which means more crowds in the stores, more party invitations, and more activity in general. This is the perfect opportunity for you to discover what your energy revivers are, in other...
by Thea | Nov 13, 2015 | Blog
Part of my holiday survival for introverts series & resources. Talking to family members about any kind of difference can be hard. For one, people tend to think that their own preferences and beliefs are normal and common (it’s called the false-consensus effect in...
by Thea | Nov 5, 2015 | Blog
Have you ever noticed that during the holiday season it’s as if the previous 10 months’ worth of unresolved issues seem to resurface, all demanding attention? Like earthworms after rain, these unresolved issues seem to pop up from nowhere. Going about business as...
by Thea | Sep 20, 2015 | Blog
Guest post by Megan Bailey. Let’s face it, as an introvert, one of the biggest obstacles in my life would be the grocery store. Narrow aisles filled with strangers that want to chat. Before I became a mother, my iPhone and a pair of earbuds were my go to for my...