Part of my holiday survival for introverts series & resources.

It’s December! Which means more crowds in the stores, more party invitations, and more activity in general. This is the perfect opportunity for you to discover what your energy revivers are, in other words what activities will revive your energy when you start to get overstimulated.

Figuring out your energy revivers is a 3-step process:
Step 1: Brainstorm
Step 2: Experiment
Step 3: Log

Step 1: Brainstorm.
What normally relaxes or recharges you? What makes you happy? Write down three activities.

Here’s a few ideas:

  • Meditate for 5 minutes
  • Watch funny cat videos
  • Close your eyes for 5 minutes
  • Sing
  • Dance
  • Sketch
  • Take deep breaths
  • Sit in your car and listen to music
  • Read a book
  • Cook
  • Wash dishes
  • Do simple math problems in your head

Write down somewhere accessible three of your best guesses for energy revivers.

Step 2: Experiment.
The next time you feel like your energy is flagging, take out your brainstormed list of three activities and try one!

Step 3: Log it.
When you identify a task that helps you revive your energy, log what the activity is and what kind of situation it helped you recuperate from. Dancing might help you overcome overstimulation in a noisy environment, but it might do nothing to change your energy levels after a people hangover.

When we’re overstimulated our brains aren’t working at their best (I’ve been asked if I was high when I was just really tired and overwhelmed), so it’s best to get all the info down in writing in an easily accessible place so that when you are overstimulated you don’t have to try and remember what you did two months ago that made you feel a little better.

Now go out and experiment! Find out about yourself so you can have a better holiday season and a better 2016!

If you’d like help in creating a less stressful holiday season, book a life coaching discovery session with me to find out how I can help you!