3 Lessons From My 2 Weeks As An Extrovert Experiment

Now that the holidays are over and life has gotten back to normal I feel like it’s a good time to reflect on some lessons I learned last year, including lessons learned during my extrovert experiment. Last month I spent 2 long weeks bringing out my extroverted side....

My Favorite World Introvert Day Tweets

World Introvert Day was on January 2nd. I spent part of the day reading. And funny enough, the other part of the day was spent talking to people online about World Introvert Day (my posts/tweets about it got a lot of attention). Here are a few of my favorite...

My 3 Words of 2016

Today is the first Monday of 2016. For me, it’s a symbolic day. It’s a day where I can set the stage for how I’d like the rest of my year to look like. I almost didn’t write this post. I had chosen my 3 words, but by writing a blog post I felt like I would be...

Happy World Introvert Day!

Introverts make up 30-50% of the population (one large study put us at 50.7% of the US population!). And yet so many of us introverts grew up thinking everyone around us were extroverts. World Introvert Day, January 2nd, was started in 2011 as “an opportunity for...

A brief 2015 introvert year in review

Last year I wrote a 2014 year in review post, and I thought it might be fun to continue the tradition this year… 2015 was an interesting year. It seemed like there was a rise in introvert-related Twitter accounts. Of course Susan Cain launched her new venture...