Last year I wrote a 2014 year in review post, and I thought it might be fun to continue the tradition this year…

2015 was an interesting year. It seemed like there was a rise in introvert-related Twitter accounts. Of course Susan Cain launched her new venture Quiet Revolution, and my friend Lisa from Sacred Introverts ran her first introvert retreat tour! This year also saw a few more introvert-related books published, namely The Introvert Entrepreneur by Beth Buelow, and Patricia Weber’s Communication Toolkit for Introverts.

The listicals/articles/videos published this year seemed to focus more on helping introverts instead of explaining what introversion is (which is actually what I wrote last year as well!). That said, I did see quite a few articles describing “The Extroverted Introvert” (last year I guessed this would be the year of ambiverts, so I was kinda close).

One of the most viral pieces of content about introversion this year was “17 Graphs That Are Way Too Real For Introverts.”

Except for Quiet Rev, which made a big splash, I feel like the introvert community as a whole was more quiet this year.

As for Introvertology, in the second half of the year I started focusing more on helping people one-on-one through life coaching and spent a lot less time on this blog and my social media accounts (I’m going to create more of a balance between the two next year, but more on that tomorrow).

However, this year did see me start to create YouTube videos, opening an Instagram account (it’s brand new!), and I also started a Facebook Group for independent introverts who want to create their own trail. I also published a few articles on Huffington Post.

This year I put together “Book Camp” where a group of introverts read a different introvert-related book each week for a month in the comfort of their own homes. And I hosted two Author Q&As on Twitter, one with Laurie Helgoe about her book Introvert Power, and another with Sophia Dembling, author of The Introvert’s Way,

I also put together a holiday resource list.

Although I feel like I neglected Introvertology for a good portion of this year, seeing the highlights listed above makes me feel a little better.

Look for a post tomorrow about what I think 2016 will bring! And I’d love to hear what you thought about 2015 in the comments section.

**This post contains a few affiliate links.