I believe that people aren’t made to struggle, that we’re hard-wired to adapt and thrive.

But for the past two years I’ve struggled to write blog posts. Coaching has helped to rewrite some of the stories I had been telling myself. But, I’m still doing everything on my to-do list but blogging. And I tolerated this struggle because it didn’t stop me completely, I still managed to publish a blog post every so often.

And then yesterday I realized that I wasn’t taking my own advice. I wasn’t holding for myself the truth that I hold for my clients – that there are many ways to do things, ways that suit our own personality, and that we aren’t made to struggle.

I want to write blogs posts. I didn’t used to have this much trouble writing posts. But something has changed, and there must be another, less stressful, way.

I’m not sure what that other way is, yet, but I’m going to figure it out.