I had a client the other day who had plans and dreams that excited her, but she wasn’t making progress because she would overthink herself out of actually implementing her plans.

I like thinking. I’m glad I’m a thinker. But if our dreams require action we need to take action and not think ourselves out of creating. Here’s 4 tips on how to start Doing more.

1. Decide why Action is important (otherwise known as connecting with your WHY). You may want to write your goal down and why the goal is important.
2. Make that Why bigger than your fears. When it comes to our dreams inaction is worse than our fears.
3. Understand that perfection is the enemy of done. Our plans do not have to be executed perfectly to work.
4. Get an accountability partner. This can be a friend, people on social media, or a life coach (like me) to hold you accountable for working towards your dreams.

Video animated by Felipe Vargas.