Nicola Joyce Interview

Nicola Joyce Interview

Welcome to the third installment of our Introvert Interviews series where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion.  Nicola Joyce is a fitness industry copywriter who has has swum the English Channel and competed as...
Annie Pettit Interview

Annie Pettit Interview

Hello and welcome to our second Introvert Interviews! Annie Pettit is the Chief Research Officer at Peanut Labs, a marketing research firm; Editor In Chief of Vue Magazine; author of the novel/social media research guide The Listen Lady; a ukulele player...
Sara Devine Interview

Sara Devine Interview

I’m pleased to announce that this is the kick-off post of my “Introvert Interviews” series. Every other week I’ll be interviewing introverts working in various fields and talking to them about introversion and how it effects them. Today’s...