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About this episode

Sitinee Sheffert is a social entrepreneur, blogger and speaker with a passion for empowering kids to make a difference. She is the founder of Giving Artfully Kids, a program that inspires kids to spread kindness through crafting-based service projects. 

Sitinee has been a featured TEDx speaker and a guest blogger for Scary Mommy and YFS Magazine and featured in Forbes.


3:20 – Making the most of limited working time.
5:20 – Being visible when you don’t want to.
11:40 – How does a social entrepreneur define success?
18:15 – How to excel in speaking opportunities as an introvert.
21:45 – Time management tips from an introvert entrepreneur and mom of 5.
23:45 – Creating goals to achieve success.
26:30 – The best thing Sitinee has done to grow her business.
20:25 – Number one tip for bringing in more customers.

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