About this episode
Did you know that marketing isn’t just telling people you have something they should buy? There’s actually 4 facets of marketing, and Promotional Strategy is only one of them. In this podcast you’ll learn what marketing really is, and 2 other classic concepts that will make your marketing efforts more effective.
1) The 4 Ps of Marketing:
1. Product
2. Price
3. Place
4. Promotional Strategy
2) From a Reader’s Digest story called Promoting Issues and Ideas. Attributed to M. Booth and Associates, Inc. ““If the circus is coming to town and you paint a sign saying ‘Circus coming to the Fairground Saturday’, that’s advertising. If you put the sign on the back of an elephant and walk it into town, that’s promotion. If the elephant walks through the mayor’s flower bed, that’s publicity. And if you get the mayor to laugh about it, that’s public relations. If you did all of this on purpose, that’s marketing. If the towns citizens go to the circus, you show them the entertainment booths, explain how much fun they’ll have spending money at the booths, answer their questions and ultimately, they spend a lot at the circus, that’s sales.”
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