World Introvert Day was on January 2nd. I spent part of the day reading. And funny enough, the other part of the day was spent talking to people online about World Introvert Day (my posts/tweets about it got a lot of attention).
Here are a few of my favorite #worldintrovertday tweets:
Yesterday we celebrated #WorldIntrovertDay so naturally I’ll need to recover today by spending my time alone.
— Matthew Eichmann (@mjeichmann) January 3, 2016
Introverts unite! Not too close though. We need space to think. #worldintrovertday
— Ci Ci Defining Me (@DefiningMePro) January 3, 2016
Today is #worldintrovertday. To those who often feel alone in a crowd, I can assure you that you are not.
— Leigh Bursey (@LeighBursey) January 3, 2016
Celebrating #worldintrovertday by drinking #yogitea and pondering whether or not 7 is too early to sleep on a Saturday night. #goinghard
— charlene westbrook (@c_westbrook) January 3, 2016
Send a text to your favorite #introvert today (& certainly do NOT call or stop by unexpectedly). #worldintrovertday
— Kristie Stumpf Rork (@theReliefsitter) January 2, 2016
Happy #worldintrovertday! I am so incredibly thankful for the day I stumbled upon @susancain ‘s QUIET. #UnderstandYourself #LoveYourself 😊
— Alisa Taylor (@AlisaTaylorBBR) January 2, 2016
Celebrating #worldintrovertday tonight.
— Marcy Gordon (@marcygordon) January 2, 2016
-throws party for #worldintrovertday -no one shows up -is relieved about that
— INFP/ Psych I.R.L. (@designingdonna) January 2, 2016
Here’s to spending #WorldIntrovertDay right.
— Megan (@madhatterish) January 2, 2016
Never mistake quietness for weakness #worldintrovertday
— Caresa (@Caress_101) January 2, 2016
My kind of day! Happy World #Introvert Day guys x #WorldIntrovertDay
— ‘Noma N Paleebut (@AnomaPaleebut) January 2, 2016
— INFJoe (@INFJoe) January 2, 2016
how to celebrate #worldintrovertday: • make plans to go out & celebrate this day w other introverts • cancel said plans & relieve everyone
— Nichole (@nickelworris) January 2, 2016
And here is one from me:
Is it January 2nd where you live? Happy World Introvert Day! #worldintrovertday
— Thea (@introvertology) January 2, 2016
Mark your calendars for January 2nd, 2017, the next World Introvert Day! (I won’t) see you then! (But maybe I’ll tweet you.)
if you just want to read and don’t like dogs,and if you would rather do nothing all day and rest afterw does that make you and introvert?
It really depends. Doing nothing all day and then resting could be depression. Statistically, introverts like cats more than dogs, but to my knowledge not liking dogs isn’t something that most introverts have in common.