by Thea | Jan 3, 2017 | Blog
I’m not into New Years resolutions. I just don’t finish them. Plus, I’m kind of impulsive, and if there’s a change I want to make I tend to just start then and there. But, each year I choose 3 words that will serve as my guide for the new year, it’s a brilliant...
by Thea | Nov 29, 2016 | Blog, Two Minute Tuesday
In this week’s Two Minute Tuesday I talk about Periscope, and why it’s not quite dead yet, and if you should concentrate on Facebook Live instead.
by Thea | Nov 24, 2016 | Blog
Guest Post by Karen Davies I have three questions for you to ponder on:- 1. How many times have you talked yourself out of doing something you wanted? 2. How much do you long to make a difference and yet wonder if you can? 3. How often do you feel drained by the...
by Thea | Nov 23, 2016 | Blog
If you haven’t yet heard of content recycling, you’re going to love the idea. Essentially, it means that you can turn one piece of content into many. For instance, one blog post may turn into three social media images and a four tweets. One 7 minute video could be...
by Thea | Nov 22, 2016 | Blog, Two Minute Tuesday
Hi my fellow introverts! This week on Two Minute Tuesday we’re talking about Pinterest.