5 awesomely authentic and successful entrepreneurs
Does it feel like everywhere you look there’s someone being inauthentic or sleazy. Like those Facebook ads of someone washing his cars – which just happen to be Lamborghinis.
And don’t get me started on Instagram pics with guys in suits standing next to lions, or yet another image of a laptop with some flowers beside it and an inspiration phrase in gold lettering.
If all that really annoys you too, please know that there are many successful entrepreneurs out there who are being themselves, here’s five of them.
1. Marie Forleo.
Marie’s actually an introvert! She publishes a weekly and super popular Q&A video each Tuesday. She shares some really valuable information in the videos in a playful way that feels fun, not forced. And she’s super successful. If you follow a lot of people in the online entrepreneur space you’ve probably heard of her B-School, a training program for entrepreneurs that launches once a year.
Here’s one of her videos, she often begins them with a blooper.
2. Screw the Nine to Five
Ok, so I feel like I talk about Jill and Josh from Screw the Nine to Five in like half the things I write, but that’s because they’re awesome and I’m really drawn to their informal style.
Here’s a link to one of their blog posts about creating a funnel: http://screwtheninetofive.com/how-to-create-a-sales-funnel/
See, very informal.
And the Facebook Lives on their page are amusing. Their whole vibe gives you a sense that business building can actually be fun.
3. Gary Vaynerchuk
Gary Vaynerchuk is an extremely successful entrepreneur with a huge number of devoted fans. Like, really huge. On Instagram he has a “60 second club” where people have to comment within 60 seconds of him posting to win prizes. Like a signed book. And he gets thousands of comments within 5 minutes. That’s a super dedicated and excited fan base.
Warning – Gary is a total extrovert and it can take a while to get used to, but there’s no question in my mind that he’s being 100% authentic in his interaction with people online and off. He doesn’t hold back any knowledge and is committed to seeing others succeed, which I think is one of the reasons why he has such a big fan base. He’s also very open about his thought processes, motivation, and personal foibles. I don’t think those things are necessary for you to build a brand and connect with your ideal clients, but in case you are looking to share more about yourself, he’s someone you might want to study closely.
Here’s a short video of him giving advice to a new entrepreneur:
4. ByRegina
I actually don’t follow Regina that closely because a lot of her content is catered towards people who are newer to online business than me, but I really love her personality. She sometimes slips into British accents during her webinars and often can’t think of the right word or phrase. Something I think most of us can relate to, right?
But seriously, sign up for one of her webinars/live classes.
And don’t you love this copy on her front page:
5. Morgan Danbury
Morgan is a YouTube personality in the beauty space who rose to fame pretty quickly.
Sometimes I hear from people that they wish they were younger or skinnier, and that that would make it easier for them to build a following online. This is the wrong thing to be spending your introvert energy thinking about my friends. People are drawn to authenticity, and Morgan is a great example. I’m actually not sure if she makes a living off her videos, so I’m kind of bending the rules of this post, but I wanted to include her anyway because she’s awesome.
I super love the part in this video where she mentions she has Cheetos on her hands, and then shrugs and keeps putting on makeup. Basically the epitome of authenticity for me, she’s doing what she loves and doesn’t care about being judged.
I hope these examples got your introvert brain turning with new possibilities and the knowledge that you can be yourself online.
Still need help being your authentic self online?
Get on the waiting list for my upcoming 5 day adventure, Be UN-INVISIBLE, and snag my list of my 15 essential business tools so that you at least don’t have to spend too much time and energy on those tedious choices.