Downtime course

Downtime course

  *Ring* “Do you have a second?” *I’ll just check Facebook for 5 minutes…* *Sigh* There are so many tasks that are a part of our everyday lives – from beeping phones to buying one item at a grocery store – which are taking away...

Is happiness the most important thing in life?

  I used to think so. But gradually over the past 10 years I’ve realized that I was putting far too much weight on this concept of happiness while failing to notice how satisfying it is to be content or peaceful. I just finished a great book called The...

Introvert Interview, with Sarah Van Winkle

Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series, where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. Meet Sarah Van Winkle. She’s is a physical therapist who taps into her introvert strengths when working with patients....
Social Guilt

Social Guilt

Guilt, the less intense but still powerful cousin of shame, has a certain knack of creeping up on us introverts. It can pop up at any time, if we let it. Don’t want to take that call right now? *guilt* Don’t want to go to that cocktail party? *guilt* And then of...

Introvert Interview, with Emilee Ayers

Welcome to our Introvert Interviews series, where we talk to introverts from all walks of life about their experiences and their introversion. Emilee Ayers is a portrait photographer. She also blogs about dancing, and has blended those two interests in this series of...