If you haven’t yet heard of content recycling, you’re going to love the idea.

Essentially, it means that you can turn one piece of content into many. For instance, one blog post may turn into three social media images and a four tweets. One 7 minute video could be turned into a podcast or two short Facebook video clips.

While content recycling is an amazing time-saving technique for any entrepreneurs, it can be extra beneficial for us introverted entrepreneurs because our energy cycles can be unpredictable.

One week we may be content-making machines, the next week we may be social media-d out, and need time away from posting. The good thing about content recycling is that it lets you be consistently visible on social media when you don’t have anything to say at the moment, or are just too worn out to think, because you already have the content created.

The three rules for making your content go further are:
1. FIF – Fitting in Factor. Did you write a great post for Facebook groups? Don’t just copy and paste the same post into three different Facebook groups – tailor the post slightly to fit the feel of the group. Does the group use swear words – put in a swear word if it fits your brand. Does the group use the phrase “heart-centered” a lot – use that phrase too if it fits your brand.
2. Spread the recycled content out. Instead of posting your 5-minute video and accompanying short clips back-to-back over a few days, schedule them a few weeks apart so you don’t bore your followers.
3. Keep track of your recycled content. Keep it easy on yourself when you’re just not feeling up to thinking of new content by having the recycled content already made and ready for you to use. And not just made and ready, but if you have a spreadsheet to track your recycled content you’ll know which audience (for instance, which Facebook group) is ready to see that content the first time or which audience hasn’t seen that content in months.

So if you haven’t already I really suggest you start recycling your content. Start today, if you can, and take nuggets of wisdom from your latest blog post or video and turn those into tweets or images for Facebook or Instagram.

Want to kickstart your content-making efficiency? Join me for The Art of Consistent Content, a Virtual Workshop for Introverts on November 27th. You can find more information about the workshop here: