I support you.

Chances are the introverts in your life are surrounded by people and things telling them what to do, from the noxious “break out of your shell” to the much less insulting advice “just do it” and “seize the day.” They are being instructed up to their eyeballs. They’re getting enough conflicting advice on how to behave and what to do from movies, TV, commercials, social media, and the people in their lives. In fact, I’m guessing “I support you” is the best thing you can say to an extrovert or ambivert too.

The extrovert bias may slowly be waining in American culture, but it is still present in our lives. We still hear the judgement. We still hear the incredulity when we decline a social engagement with kind honesty. And for some introverts it’s demoralizing.

Introverts need your support. We need someone in our lives who will tell us advice only when we ask for it. Someone who won’t judge. Who can help us feel empowered by our introversion, not ashamed of it.

Don’t you want to be that person?