Guest post by Megan Bailey.

Let’s face it, as an introvert, one of the biggest obstacles in my life would be the grocery store. Narrow aisles filled with strangers that want to chat.

Before I became a mother, my iPhone and a pair of earbuds were my go to for my grocery shopping.  It allowed me to shop in my own world and avoid the inevitable emotional drain of a crowded location.

But now that I’m a mother, this no longer works.  Plus, my adorable son *attracts* people to me that may otherwise ignore me.  How can an introvert make it through the checkout without also being leeched of all your energy?  Here is my list of ideas to help you be polite without being drained.

– Have a set list of responses.  Or better yet, one response.  For me, I respond with most statements with a simple, “Thank you,” accompanied with a smile. Questions are answered with a straight answer without too many details.

– Don’t stop walking.  Unless you already stopped to put something in your cart or you’re at the checkout, you can make your response on the move.  This helps minimize your interactions.

– Keep your focus on your child.  I usually keep up an ongoing, one-sided conversation with my one year old. And it usually prevents anyone from “interrupting.” It may make some people raise an eyebrow, but it works.

– Have a grocery list.  This may seem unrelated, but the longer you shop, the more your energy levels will go down. A preplanned list will keep your time short.

– Pick a good day and time to go.  For me, Monday mornings during the school year are quiet, with just a couple of old ladies shopping.  But Friday evenings will probably be slammed.  Find a time and day that means fewer people out shopping.

Being an introvert and a mother can be a real challenge.  I hope these tips help you on your next adventure to the store.  Do you have any other tips that work for you?


2015 headshotMegan Bailey is a wife, mom, and introvert who blogs about her journey as an introvert mom and trying to go from surviving to thriving in an extrovert world over at Introvert Mom in Hiding. You can also find her on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.